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Achieving the Ideal: Balancing Competing Priorities for Success

As marketers, we must constantly balance the ideal with the practical and achievable. This can be difficult with competing priorities, such as demands for short-term financial results, achieving business objectives, providing the best customer experience, and keeping up with the latest technology. To ensure continued success and build loyal customers, it’s important to have North Star goals that guide us towards the optimal customer experience of the future. I have identified four North Star goals that set category leaders apart from their peers. This four-part series will explore each of these trends in depth, including what they are, how realistic the goals are for most brands, and the first steps to achieving them. The first North Star goal is to provide a one-to-one, omnichannel personalized experience. To understand this goal, we must first break it down into its components. One-to-one personalization means thinking beyond broader audience segments and treating each customer individually. This means using customer data to tailor content, offers and experiences to the individual customer. Omnichannel engagement involves providing consistent experiences across all channels, including digital and offline. It’s important that customer data is carried across and utilised to tailor content, offers and experiences. The question is, how realistic is this goal for most marketers? There are a few hurdles that can get in the way, such as data and platform silos, organisational silos, and cost versus benefit. However, there is hope. One-to-one and omnichannel may be the goal, but we can start incrementally and work our way towards them. Start with audience segmentation and build from a single channel to multi-channel. It's important to build bridges with other teams in the organisation and to start with a proof of concept. In the next article in the series, I will discuss the importance of a first-party data strategy, the second North Star goal.

Originally reported by Martech:
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