For creative and marketing teams to succeed in an increasingly competitive and saturated market, they must become a unique provider of focused expertise that others can’t replicate. Aligning your organization’s efforts with a focused vision, positioning strategy and value proposition is essential for success. These four questions can help you to develop a focused, differentiating positioning strategy: Who are our best customers? What are our core competencies? How are we different in the way we think? Why do we exist in the first place? By answering these questions, you can define a positioning strategy to increase your organization’s value and relevance. It will guide how to design your operating model and bring your strategy to life. Focus is what scales, and it will make running your organization much easier and more profitable. Invest in expanding your unique expertise and what you’re best at, while shedding or outsourcing other costly or distracting capabilities to ensure you are playing to your strengths.
Originally reported by Martech:
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