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Exploring the Exciting AI-Powered Marketing Technology Revolution

This week has seen the release of some exciting AI-powered marketing technology. Gartner predicts that by 2026, 20-30% of customer service and support agents will be replaced by generative AI, although Uma Challa, Gartner's customer service expert, believes this may be a shortsighted move. A YouGov survey revealed that 25% of Americans believe AI will reduce the number of jobs available, and 33% think AI-based text generation will be a bad thing for society. The same survey found that only 40% of Americans are willing to trust AI, with India leading in this category at 75%.

In light of this, here are some notable AI-powered products, platforms and additions: Twilio is using OpenAI's GPT-4 to augment its customer data platform, giving generative capabilities to its multichannel marketing solution. Adpost has added a feature to its AI chatbot suite, allowing small businesses to create more knowledgeable and adaptable AI chatbots. GoDaddy's Managed WordPress has AI-based site building and customer relationship management features. AUDIENCEX's AXi campaign performance platform now has AI-powered predictive analytics to maximise return on advertising spend. Finally, Appy Pie has added new features to its AI website builder, allowing users to generate a fully functional website based on voice or text prompts.

This week's releases of AI-powered marketing technology are a testament to how far the technology has come, and how it can be applied to enhance customer service and support, create more knowledgeable and adaptable AI chatbots, and build fully functional websites. AI has the potential to revolutionise marketing, and with trust in the technology steadily growing, businesses can take advantage of this to create more efficient and effective marketing campaigns.

Originally reported by Martech:
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