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IAB Tech Lab Launches Data Clean Room Standards Portfolio

IAB Tech Lab today announced the launch of its Data Clean Room (DCR) Standards portfolio, which includes the release of DCR Guidance & Recommended Practices, and also Open Private Join & Activation (OPJA) specifications. The standards will remain open for public comment for 60 days, until April 17th 2023.

Data clean rooms have recently become popular in digital advertising as a way for publishers, advertisers and their tech partners to share data for matching ads with individuals in a privacy-compliant manner. As a result, the industry has seen a diverse range of offerings, making it difficult to navigate without clear definitions and standards.

In order to provide guidance and efficient interoperability, IAB Tech Lab is collaborating with the industry to create technical standards guidance and more efficient interoperability. This will make it easier for advertisers to leverage emerging and exciting DCR technology.

The Guidance and Recommended Practices document outlines baseline expectations for DCRs. It establishes the standards for privacy and security of data used in the clean room technology, so that data owners can be certain that data is safe and secure. The new specifications offer guidance across various DCR use cases in digital advertising.

Open Private Join and Activation (OPJA) specifications are also included in IAB Tech Lab's portfolio, and have been developed within IAB Tech Lab's Rearc Addressable Working Group. The goal is to provide a framework for different parties to enhance audience activation in advertising without transferring personally identifiable information (PII) from one partner to the other.

The library of purpose-built specifications provides the rules of the road between different vendors. By establishing and defining these interactions and use cases, data owners will be able to collaborate more easily, making data clean rooms truly interoperable as the DCR marketplace matures.

Originally reported by Martech:
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