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Preparing for Email Marketing Success in 2023: Lessons from 2020

2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year, with marketers across the world having to face unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As we look to the future, it’s time to start planning for what’s ahead. For email marketers, this means taking stock of the year gone by and looking to the future with fresh eyes and a renewed focus on what needs to be done. Email marketing is still one of the most powerful and successful marketing channels, but it’s become increasingly complex in recent years. To make sure your email program is successful in 2023, there are three key directional changes that need to be made. The first is to cut down on the number of emails you’re sending. The holiday season saw a huge influx of emails, with many marketers sending more than they had ever done before. However, it’s important to remember that higher email frequencies, volumes and cadences should not become the norm. It’s also important to ensure that you’re not spamming people. Spamming carries a number of risks, such as higher unsubscribe rates, more spam complaints, deliverability problems and lower revenue per email. Email marketers should ensure they’re only sending messages to those who have given permission. Finally, it’s important to focus on a single project that could make a real difference in the success of your email program. Big lists of ambitious goals can seem impressive, but it’s important to be realistic about what can be achieved in one year. 2023 is set to be an exciting year for email marketers, so make sure you’re prepared by taking stock of the lessons learned from 2020, cutting down on unnecessary emails and focusing on one achievable project.

2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year, with marketers across the world having to face unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As we look to the future, it’s time to start planning for what’s ahead. For email marketers, this means taking stock of the year gone by and looking to the future with fresh eyes and a renewed focus on what needs to be done.

Email marketing is still one of the most powerful and successful marketing channels, but it’s become increasingly complex in recent years. To make sure your email program is successful in 2023, there are three key directional changes that need to be made.

1. Cut down on the number of emails sent

The holiday season saw a huge influx of emails, with many marketers sending more than they had ever done before. However, it’s important to remember that higher email frequencies, volumes and cadences should not become the norm. Throttling back to a regular schedule is essential in order to avoid driving customers away to other brands or social media.

2. Ensure you’re not spamming

Spamming carries a number of risks, such as higher unsubscribe rates, more spam complaints, deliverability problems and lower revenue per email. Email marketers should ensure they’re only sending messages to those who have given permission.

3. Focus on one achievable project

Big lists of ambitious goals can seem impressive, but it’s important to be realistic about what can be achieved in one year. Focusing on one project that could make a real difference in the success of your email program is the best way to ensure success.

2023 is set to be an exciting year for email marketers, so make sure you’re prepared by taking stock of the lessons learned from 2020, cutting down on unnecessary emails and focusing on one achievable project.

Originally reported by Martech:
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