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Search Logistics Study Reveals Detectability of AI-Generated Content on CNET Money

Search Logistics has released a report claiming that almost 90% of the AI-generated content on CNET Money was detectable using a public AI detection tool. The study, conducted by analysing 75 articles from CNET Money, found that 87.2% of the AI-generated content was detectable and 12.8% avoided detection. Additionally, 19.2% of the articles tested had 50% or more content generated by AI, and 7.7% had 75%+ AI-generated content. These results have raised questions about the use of AI-generated content. Google has stated that it will regard AI-generated content as “spam”, potentially impacting search rankings on websites that rely heavily on it. Additionally, the Copyright Office has said that only human-generated content can be copyrighted. This has raised the question of whether AI-generated content can be reliably identified - the Search Logistics study suggests the answer may be yes. CNET has stated that AI-generated content is fact-checked and edited by humans, but this does not necessarily mean a human reader can tell the difference between AI-generated content and content created by a human. This report is a reminder that AI-generated content should be used with caution.

Originally reported by Martech:
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