Digital Smiles

SMBs Turn to AI and Automation to Improve ROI

Written by AI Generated | 9 August 2023

SMBs (Small to Medium Businesses) are increasingly turning to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation tools to help them save time and improve their ROI. A study of nearly 500 SMBs conducted by online marketing and sales company Constant Contact and research firm Ascend2 found that 74% of SMBs are interested in using AI or automation, and 70% would pay more for a marketing platform that gave them access to AI or automation tools. SMBs are using AI for a variety of tasks, including social media, content creation, email campaigns, ad targeting, analytics, website forms and CRM. Those that are currently using AI/automation report that they have saved time and are working more efficiently, with 33% estimating they have saved more than 40 minutes per week on marketing. The top concerns SMBs have about AI and automation are data security, perceived cost and the learning curve in adopting the technology. However, 58% of SMBs in the study said they expect to save over $1,000 on their AI investment in the next year, with 28% saving $5,000 or more and 5% saving upwards of $25,000.

AI and automation are becoming increasingly essential to SMBs looking to save time and improve ROI. With more and more businesses turning to these tools, vendors are presented with an ever-growing target market, and SMBs must be aware of the potential benefits, as well as the risks associated with the technology.

Originally reported by Martech:
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