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Uncovering & Optimising the Critical Path of Your Customer Journey

Marketers understand the importance of the customer journey, but it can be incredibly complex. With the increasing number of channels, creatives, messages and touchpoints, it can be difficult to understand, measure and optimise. The key is to refine the customer journey down to the essentials - the critical path - and then optimise and expand it. To identify the critical path of your customer journey, imagine turning off all of your marketing, one by one. Which pieces, when turned off, would cause the biggest impact on your business? For example, if you sell seasonal products, such as dog fences, then Google Ads are likely part of your critical path. The critical path also includes the landing page and appointment funnel. Once you know your critical path, you must cut away everything that’s either a bottleneck or not contributing. Ask how the clarity of the message can be improved and identify anything nonessential that can be removed. You can also bring in real users for a usability test and ask them to complete certain goals, like finding your product online and attempting to purchase. This will help you realise how people actually think and act. At this stage, the goal is to reduce friction, optimise the critical path and improve performance. Then, instead of building multiple customer journeys or trying to expand the critical path, connect all other paths to the critical path. By analysing and understanding the 20% of your customer journey that drives 80% of your performance, then optimising and connecting the other paths, you can take control of your customer journey and accelerate your growth.

Originally reported by Martech:
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