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"6 Areas for B2B Marketers to Focus on in 2024"

As we wrap up 2023 and look ahead to 2024, B2B marketers must evaluate their strategies to ensure they are ahead of the curve. This article outlines 6 key areas to focus on for a successful marketing strategy in the coming year. Firstly, marketers should get real with upper-funnel expectations. Up to 90% of buyers have a set of vendors in mind before doing any research, and 90% of them will choose from this list. To create awareness with B2B buyers, tracking upper-funnel and B2B activities is essential. Advanced analyses such as halo studies and incrementality tests can help to measure the impact of a marketing campaign. Secondly, content should be tailored to provide value and attract potential customers. Websites should be user-friendly and feature quality creative elements. It is also important to review the value proposition to ensure it speaks to the audience. Thirdly, it is crucial to build and commit to investing in out-of-market buyers. This is the only way to ensure that the brand is remembered without needing a cue. Creativity and media are the most critical factors for success, but many B2B marketers fail to create unique experiences that are memorable and exciting. Fourthly, personalization and tailoring experiences for maximum impact is key. Optimized website performance and user-friendly design is essential to improve customer satisfaction across all touchpoints. Fifthly, value-based bidding is a great way to drive efficiency and ROI. Google Ads value-based bidding enables marketers to tell Google which customers are more valuable to their business, so the algorithm can bid higher or lower accordingly. Finally, hyper-targeting strategies, such as account-based marketing, are costly and overlook blind spots. A broader targeting strategy with some flexibility allows B2B advertisers to navigate the rapidly changing landscape more effectively, potentially achieving more sustainable and cost-effective results. Investing in these 6 areas can help B2B marketers stay ahead of the curve and succeed in 2024. By taking the time to reflect on trends and their implications for the business, informed decisions can be made to kick off next year in an optimized, proactive state.

Originally reported by Martech:
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