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"6 Must-Have Email Automations to Drive Growth"

Automated email is a powerful marketing tool that's often under-utilised. Brands in every vertical can benefit from strategic automation, especially in the client onboarding stage. This article looks at six must-have email automations that should drive substantial incremental growth, including: Post-purchase or post-shipment emails; Welcome or account creation emails; Birthday or anniversary emails; Abandon cart emails; Browse abandonment emails; and Re-engagement / “We miss you” emails. Each automation has potential business impact and benefits. However, marketers may be held back by data and tech capabilities or the idea that the potential payoff isn’t worth the effort. The solution is to first ensure that data is properly set up in the email service provider and then to set up the necessary integrations between the website and ESP. Klaviyo is recommended for limited IT resources, and Salesforce and Emarsys for more complex needs. Start with one or two automations in each of the six stages and the email game will be ahead of many big-name brands.

Originally reported by Martech:
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