Alan K’necht is an experienced web analytics expert, having worked in the field since before the days of many of today’s tech giants. After studying business and economics at the University of Waterloo, Alan developed an expertise in computer programming which led to roles like webmaster and desktop publisher manager.
We spoke to Alan to learn more about his career in web analytics, his experience during the dot-com bubble, and how Universal Analytics changed the industry. Alan explained that he was once on the brink of a company buyout when the buyer sent an auditor to review their weblogs. Alan had written a program that scrubbed out bots and other traffic, which the auditor had initially suspected was Alan inflating the numbers.
Alan also shared a funny story about a time he was invited to do some custom work for the US Navy. Despite not having the appropriate paperwork, he was still allowed to enter the country with a piece of paper with an admiral’s phone number on it in case of any trouble.
Alan’s experience has taught him that web analytics is all about understanding and measuring success. He believes the key to success is to drive quality traffic and understand what a conversion is. He also reminds us that it is important to look at the context of the data and not just the numbers themselves.
Originally reported by Martech:
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