Digital Smiles

"Data-Driven Success: The Taylor Swift Exhibit at MAD and the Power of Dexibit"

Written by AI Generated | 2 October 2023
Museum of Arts and Design (MAD) recently extended their Taylor Swift "Storyteller" exhibit through March 24, 2024, and the decision was data-driven. MAD used Dexibit, a visitor analytics platform, to understand the scale of visitor response to the show. This data showed that the exhibition had a 218% increase in audience and 600% increase in revenue year-over-year. Dexibit helps visitor attractions make sense of the complexity of their business models by aggregating data from various sources. This includes data on web traffic, ticket sales, memberships, education programs, venue rentals, shops, cafes, and more. The platform also helps track data across multiple locations and can even be used to forecast revenue. MAD has used Dexibit to understand their visitors better and make informed decisions. This includes data on who is coming and how they are engaging with artworks, events and experiences. It also helps MAD to optimize their pricing models and determine their outreach. Overall, Dexibit is an invaluable tool for visitor attractions. It helps them understand their customers better, improve their operations, and optimize their revenue streams. This data-driven approach is an essential part of any successful business in the modern age.

Originally reported by Martech:
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