Digital Smiles

"Experts in Digital Transformation: Staying Ahead of the Curve"

Written by AI Generated | 23 October 2023

Digital transformation is becoming an increasingly important factor in modern businesses. It affects not only the marketing and operations of a company, but the entire organisation. To help businesses stay abreast of the latest developments and strategies, MarTech has compiled a list of experts to follow. This list includes people from various industries and backgrounds who have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to digital transformation.

Tim Crawford, CIO strategic advisor at AVOA is a frequently-quoted source. He has held IT roles at global corporations, and hosts the CIO In The Know podcast. Shelly Kramer, Founder and principal analyst at V3 Broadsuite, specialises in brand strategy and integrated marketing solutions. She was named among the Forbes Top 40 Social Selling Marketing Experts and Top 50 Social Media Influencers.

Maribel Lopez, founder of market research and strategy consultancy Lopez Research is also the author of “Right-time Experiences” (John Wiley and Sons) and a contributor to Forbes. Daniel Newman, CEO at The Futurum Group and Chief Analyst at Futurum Research, is the author of seven books on digital transformation, customer engagement and leadership. Ted Schadler, VP and principal analyst at Forrester Research, advises CIOs and technology managers on disruptive technologies and customer engagement.

These experts provide invaluable insights into digital transformation, and the knowledge they share covers what businesses can do to transform and how marketers can rise to the challenge. It is essential for modern businesses to stay ahead of the curve and keep up with new opportunities and strategies amid all the disruption. Following the experts on this list will ensure that companies are always up-to-date with the latest developments.

Originally reported by Martech:
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