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"Making a Difference with Email Personalization: 4 Initiatives to Start"

Businesses of all sizes are increasingly turning to email marketing to grow their customer base and increase revenue. However, many are still struggling with personalizing their emails to make them more effective. Only 25% of marketers say they have all the data they need to personalize their campaigns, and the issue is often not their data or email tech stack but actually using what they have to full capability. This article tackles four initiatives - abandonment campaigns, upsell campaigns, CPG segmentation and loyalty campaigns - with recommended first steps to help marketers get traction. Abandonment campaigns are emails sent to entice customers who may have gotten distracted or need a little push. If discounts are offered, it can be an effective way to increase sales. For upsell campaigns, businesses should look to feature complementary or accessory products that naturally fit with their top products. CPG segmentation should be based on understanding customers, such as lifestyle segments or demographic-based segments. Finally, loyalty campaigns can be used to push refill products or discounts when customers are close to earning them. The first step for all of these initiatives is to evaluate email service providers and tech documentation, set up API calls and build email sequences. This can be daunting, so businesses should start with one or two top products and scale up if they see promise. By taking the first step, businesses can make a difference in their email personalization and see the benefits in increased revenue.

Originally reported by Martech:
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