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"Reception Marketing: Connecting Consumers to Valuable Content"

With so much content available online, it can be hard for brands to stand out and capture consumer interest. Reception marketing is an approach to connect modern consumers to the information they will find most valuable based on where they are in the consumer journey. It requires researching consumer behaviour and intent, making content that meets that intent, and optimising the content to be visible throughout the customer journey. To do this, brands must become publishers and provide solutions that create a positive experience for consumers, forming meaningful relationships and loyalty. Optimising owned assets (OAO) is also important, taking a data-informed look at the asset stack to find opportunities to gain more control over consumer experiences. Reception marketing enables brands to listen and respond to consumers, providing content that understands consumer intent and needs in real-time. Rather than feeling overwhelmed by data and competition, brands should leverage that information to create valuable content that stands out.

Originally reported by Martech:
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