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"TransUnion Launches AI-Powered Identity Graph for Marketers"

TransUnion, a major consumer credit reporting agency, has just launched an upgraded identity graph that promises to improve identity resolution and demographic enrichment for marketers. This new graph, powered by AI, will enable marketers to better target and understand their audiences by combining the data assets of TransUnion and Neustar, an identity resolution vendor it acquired in 2021. The new identity graph is expected to significantly increase the number of marketable phone numbers and IP addresses available to marketers, by 25% and 54%, respectively. In addition, TransUnion has recently received high accolades for its accuracy in linking hashed email addresses to physical addresses and in key demographic and small business categories. But why should this matter to tech-savvy business professionals? Well, with third-party cookies being phased out by major players like Google, marketers and advertisers are facing a challenge in targeting their audiences. This new identity graph offers a potential solution by providing a variety of demographic attributes, from life events to interests, that can help businesses better understand their customers. So how can businesses take advantage of this new technology? One option is to rely on contextual advertising, but this may not be as effective as targeted advertising. Another option is to turn to alternative methods of identifying audiences, such as identity resolution solutions. However, these solutions still have room for improvement. This is where TransUnion's enhanced identity graph comes in, offering a more accurate and comprehensive approach to audience identification. As technology continues to evolve and change, it's important for businesses to stay ahead of the game. And that's why TransUnion's new identity graph is so significant - it offers a way for businesses to continue targeting their customers effectively, even without the use of third-party cookies. So don't miss out on this opportunity - take advantage of this new and improved identity graph and stay ahead of the competition.

Originally reported by Martech:
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