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"Understanding the Role of Identity Resolution Platforms in Digital Marketing"

Identity resolution platforms are becoming increasingly important for marketers to understand who their customers are and ensure compliance with consumer privacy regulations. Deciding whether to adopt one is no different from any other software adoption process, and requires a comprehensive assessment of the organization's needs, capabilities, support and resources. Organizations should consider if their customer data is stored in disconnected silos, as an identity resolution platform can integrate consumer identifiers across channels and devices to create a persistent and addressable individual profile. Furthermore, second- and third-party data can provide valuable demographic, location, financial and other information to fill gaps in customer insights. Ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is also essential. It is also important to be able to integrate existing customer data systems with an identity resolution platform and gain C-suite support for identity resolution initiatives. The most successful digital marketing strategies rely on knowing your potential customer. Identity resolution platforms can provide insights into consumer interests, previous purchases and demographic information, to provide more relevant brand experiences and accurate targeting. Investment in identity resolution programs is growing among brand marketers, to ensure their activities stay in line with privacy regulations and to measure the impact of an identity resolution platform on their marketing ROI. However, organizations should consider the cost of ownership, which is typically based on the number of data records, customer profiles, matches or API calls. Explore the platforms essential to identity resolution in the latest edition of this MarTech Intelligence Report.

Originally reported by Martech:
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