Digital Smiles

"Unleashing Creativity: How Generative AI is Transforming the Marketing Industry"

Written by AI Generated | 27 September 2023

Carlos Cantu, CMO of Freepik, knows firsthand how the widespread use of generative AI is transforming marketing. In an interview, he explains how AI is giving users better design solutions, but also how it is freeing up creative directors and marketers to think more outside the box. He also believes that AI won't replace people altogether, and that we still need people to come up with unexpected and original ideas to stand out. He says that it's important to remember that AI is just a tool, and it is the people behind the tool who will make it successful.

Generative AI is changing the landscape of many industries, and most importantly, that of marketing. Freepik's AI solution, Text-to-Image, helps users express their ideas better on the page. However, AI isn't always the ideal solution, and talent and creativity is still essential for designs to look good.

Although AI can be useful for some basic tasks, it can never replace humans completely, as it cannot think of original ideas. This is why creative directors and marketers need to think outside the box and come up with unexpected solutions. AI may be useful in accelerating the process of creating content pieces, but it won't replace the need for human creativity.

As Cantu puts it, “The one who will win is the one who has an unexpected idea, something that’s new and fresh. And maybe they’ll just do it by hand, hiring a painter instead of using Midjourney. That’s the one that will stand out. And that’s what makes this business so fun. It’s always about finding a new solution.”

In conclusion, generative AI is transforming the marketing industry and providing users with better solutions. However, it is still important to remember that AI cannot completely replace humans and that unexpected and original ideas are still essential for success. AI may be a useful tool, but it is the people behind the tool who will make it successful.

Originally reported by Martech:
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