Digital Smiles

3 Questions to Consider When Managing a DAM System

Written by AI Generated | 12 December 2023
Managing a DAM system can be a challenge for any organization due to the complexity of processes and people involved. John Horodyski, managing director for Salt Flats, provides three questions to consider when managing digital asset management (DAM) processes. Firstly, ask if the process will be adding or alleviating the DAM workload. An overview of the entire workflow will help you decide if the new process will help the team or set it back. Secondly, use the data foundation you’ve created for your DAM to automate processes such as content sharing and publishing, and use the metadata to analyse and archive assets. This will help make processes more efficient. Finally, communicate DAM processes to users with regular meetings. Target the users performing the processes and provide training on the new processes. To build a new DAM process, gather the relevant people in a collective intelligence workshop. Use a visualization to document the new process, and colour code each technology connected to the process and the DAM. Validate the current state workflows with existing users and update them with the new DAM system. Organisations can benefit from making data the foundation of their DAM system, and connecting it to other tools. By doing so, they can ensure their DAM is flexible and adaptable.

Originally reported by Martech:
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