Digital Smiles

5 Failure Points to Avoid When Creating a Measurement Plan

Written by AI Generated | 1 June 2023
Having a measurement plan in place is essential for any successful business. A measurement plan allows you to track the impact of your marketing campaigns on your business, so you can make informed decisions about how to move forward. However, there are five failure points that you should be aware of when creating your measurement plan. The first failure point is having a lack of purpose. It’s important to define the question you’re trying to answer, and also to answer why you’re asking this question. You should always start with a user story which includes a persona, a want, and a so that. The second failure point is people. It’s important to involve all the stakeholders in the process and ask them what they want from the data. You should also consider who else the data may be shared with, and create user stories from their perspectives too. The third failure point is process. You need to consider how you’re going to collect, analyse and report your data, and make sure you have a process in place. You should also think about how you’re going to share the data, and set expectations up front for how you will present the data. The fourth failure point is platform. With the sheer number of martech platforms available, it’s important to ensure you’re only using the right ones for your data. It’s also important to ensure you’re not trying to jam all your data from all your platforms into one single report, as this will create issues down the line. The fifth failure point is performance. You should always check your homework before you turn it in, and walk back through the first four Ps: purpose, people, process, and platform. You should also consider setting up individual dashboards for each stakeholder, as this will allow you to tell different stories depending on the audience. By being aware of these five failure points, and taking the necessary steps to fix them, you’ll be well on your way to creating a successful and effective measurement plan.

Originally reported by Martech:
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