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Adapt to the Changing Face of Marketing: Connecting with Gen X, Millennials & Gen Z

As technology continues to advance, customer preferences are ever-evolving. Businesses must learn to adapt in order to remain competitive and relevant. To help, marketing experts from Zeta Global have conducted extensive research into the newest consumer trends. They have compiled their findings into a webinar, “The Changing Face of Marketing: Connecting with Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z”. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the diverse needs, values and expectations of each generation and develop strategies to effectively target each one. This knowledge is essential for any business that wants to connect with the modern customer. The webinar will cover the following topics:

  • The differences between Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z.
  • The changing role of technology in customer engagement.
  • The importance of personalization in marketing campaigns.
  • How to create effective messaging that resonates with each generation.
Marketing professionals should not miss this opportunity to learn more about the changing face of customer engagement. Register and attend “The Changing Face of Marketing: Connecting with Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z”, presented by Zeta Global. With this knowledge, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and create marketing campaigns tailored to the needs of each customer. Click here to view more MarTech webinars.

Originally reported by Martech:
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