Digital Smiles

Adding Value to Buyers' Journeys Through Reception Marketing

Written by AI Generated | 30 May 2023
Businesses must move away from intrusive marketing tactics and start meeting their customers where they are. Reception marketing is a powerful tool to craft and deliver content that answers customers’ questions, solves their pain points and encourages them to invest in a product. It requires leveraging consumer data insights, creating effective content mapping strategies and providing support at each stage of the sales funnel. Companies must focus on truly adding value to their customers’ journeys based on what they want and need. Doing so will set them apart from the competition, build brand loyalty and credibility, and maximize customer engagement.

Businesses must move away from intrusive marketing tactics and start meeting their customers where they are. Reception marketing is a powerful tool to craft and deliver content that answers customers’ questions, solves their pain points and encourages them to invest in a product. It requires leveraging consumer data insights to understand what they are looking for and when, creating effective content mapping strategies and providing support at each stage of the sales funnel. Companies must focus on truly adding value to their customers’ journeys based on what they want and need. This will set them apart from the competition, build brand loyalty and credibility, and maximize customer engagement.

The first step to reception marketing is analysing your consumers. Leverage audience data insights to understand their buying behaviours, interests and the content they click on most often. Up to 66% of consumers expect companies to understand their needs, and 70% of consumers say they’re highly likely to purchase exclusively from brands that understand them and their needs, making this consumer research a crucial step. This is the foundation of an owned asset optimization (OAO) strategy, an innovative way to maximize the content you create to meet today’s ever-evolving consumers where they are.

Once consumer data is turned into actionable insights, content mapping can begin. Focus on all possible paths consumers can take to interact with your brand. Jot down those pathways and consider any questions, thoughts or feelings your buyers may experience during their journey. Identifying potential questions or needs along the pathway can help you understand the types of content assets you need to create to support your buyer through the funnel and where each asset should appear in the buyer’s journey.

While reception marketing is nonlinear, some types of content are more popular than others within each stage of the funnel. How-to guides are most popular for the top and middle of the funnel phases, while product overviews are more popular at the bottom of the funnel. Providing support to your audience at each phase of their buyer’s journey as part of reception marketing means “receiving” feedback from your audience and using it to inform your strategy and interactions going forward.

At a time when consumers are more discerning and autonomous than ever, companies that bombard their audience with salesy marketing assets and offers will fail. Instead, we must focus on truly adding value to our customers’ journeys based on what they want and need from us. Doing this will set them apart from the competition, build brand loyalty and credibility, and maximize customer engagement.

Originally reported by Martech:
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