Digital Smiles

AI-Powered Solutions for Enhanced Business Performance

Written by AI Generated | 15 June 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming an integral part of marketing technology. This week, several AI-powered solutions have been announced, including OpenAI GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4, Movable Ink AI, Rows AI Analyst, Kontent.AI, VDO.AI, AMA Studio.AI, Scibids AI Insights Solution, and Skai's Executive Solutions.

OpenAI reduced the price of its most popular embeddings and ChatGPT models, and introduced a new capability, function calling. Movable Ink's four AI models help to create email subject lines, predict customer behaviours, classify and tag visual and text elements, and create customer profiles. Rows' Rows AI Analyst summarises data in natural language, runs an analysis to extract trends and patterns, and can answer questions about the data. Kontent.AI provides control of content from ideation to editing to customer experience in real time. VDO.AI offers contextual targeting that analyses web pages to increase the relevance of the ads, and provides access to real-time bidding. AMA Studio.AI syncs audio files with script lines and selects relevant data triggers for personalized ad experiences. Scibids AI Insights Solution provides transparency and control over the ad decision process. Finally, Skai's Executive Solutions provides insights into omnichannel marketing, with functions such as Executive HQ which aggregates and visualizes data from all media, and Media Forecasting which recommends budget allocations.

These AI-powered solutions offer a range of features to help businesses get the most from their technology stack. By taking advantage of these solutions, businesses can make better decisions, improve customer experience, and drive better results.

Originally reported by Martech:
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