Digital Smiles

Antitrust Trial Begins: US DOJ vs Google on Search and Advertising

Written by AI Generated | 11 September 2023

The US Department of Justice is set to launch an antitrust trial against Google on Tuesday, focusing on the company's popular search engine. The government alleges Google used its 90% market share to illegally throttle competition in both search and search advertising. Google has pushed back strongly on the allegations of anticompetitive behaviour, arguing that their services are more popular due to better quality, not by tilting the playing field away from potential rivals.

The DOJ is seeking an injunction to bar Google from continuing the alleged anticompetitive practices, rather than a monetary penalty. Such an order could have significant business implications for Google, including the potential to break up the company. The case is seen as one of the biggest challenges to tech industry power since the DOJ sued Microsoft in 1998 over its market dominance.

The outcome of this case will have major implications for how tech giants operate and the way consumers access information online. It will also impact the way companies optimise for search engines, with Google accounting for 90% of the market share in the US.

Originally reported by Martech:
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