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BidsCube and Pixalate: Advancing Secure Programmatic Advertising Solutions

With a shared commitment to developing a secure and trustworthy environment for publishers and advertisers, BidsCube and Pixalate have partnered to bolster the digital advertising industry and make it more transparent. Pixalate’s fraud protection, privacy and compliance analytics solutions integrate into BidsCube’s programmatic ecosystem, providing clients with comprehensive tools powered by AI and machine learning.

This is significant as it is a substantial step towards creating a more secure ecosystem that benefits advertisers and publishers. A recent report by the Association of National Advertisers highlights the concern about transparency issues in the programmatic market, and this collaboration marks a major milestone in the effort to combat ad fraud and promote transparency in programmatic advertising.

The new features are now available within all platforms out of the box for BidsCube customers, who can use the built-in Pixalate panel to customize all the necessary settings. For partners utilizing managed services, a traffic monitoring option with the Pixalate solutions will be available on demand. This partnership will benefit over 250 of BidsCube’s global programmatic partners, providing reliable publishers with more revenue and advertisers with high-quality advertising inventory.

This collaboration between BidsCube and Pixalate reflects their commitment to delivering trustworthy and secure programmatic advertising solutions, and provides publishers and advertisers with a more secure and reliable environment.

Originally reported by Martech:
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