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Boosting Brand Visibility with Performance Publishing

Consumers have become experts at recognising and filtering out unnecessary or unsubstantial marketing messages. Showy displays, elaborate claims and emotional appeals, without depth, are no longer effective. To really engage consumers, brands must provide meaningful experiences that address their needs and questions at each stage of the buying process.

Performance publishing is a strategy for boosting brand visibility during the consumer buying journey and optimising owned assets through a combination of consumer data and a content marketing plan. By offering helpful content tailored to address consumer concerns, even a single piece of content can become a high-value asset.

Performance publishing involves tracking the impact of content through first-party data, such as Google Analytics or social media. This helps to ensure the content is reaching the intended audience, driving meaningful traffic to the site, improving brand reputation and trust, and resulting in action. Content should come in a variety of formats, to appeal to a variety of buyers.

In today’s market, consumer needs are often neglected in favour of a model that attempts to push consumers from awareness to transaction without considering the way humans shop. Consumers spend 95% of their time researching and only 5% in the buying stage, meaning they are looking for helpful resources to inform their decisions. Performance publishing enables brands to build trust and equity, while providing high-reach, brand-controlled assets that are valuable to consumers.

To be effective, performance publishing requires an understanding of consumer intent data to craft content that meets the consumer in their moment of need. Reception marketing uses this data to provide information that is most valuable to the consumer, regardless of the channel. By mapping out an information path, brands can position themselves as helpful resources and build long-term, meaningful relationships.

Originally reported by Martech:
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