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Breaking the Sales and Marketing Catch-22: 7 Steps to Resetting Performance and Costs

Technology-savvy business professionals are caught in a Catch-22 when it comes to scaling sales and marketing efforts. This cycle of circular reasoning prevents both sides from seeing the reality of the situation, which is that it has resulted in inefficiencies and costs. Many factors such as the need to scale and the need for more leads have created this predicament. To fix the issue, seven areas should be addressed in order to reduce costs and improve performance. These include evaluating the martech stack, reducing outreach frequency, evaluating headcount and lead routing, refining the ideal customer profile, taking the hard road, and scrutinizing everything. It is essential for sales and marketing to work together in order to break the cycle. This requires marketing to reduce activities and budgets but increase the quality of outputs, while sales has to realise that ‘more isn’t necessarily better’. With an honest conversation between the two sides, it is possible to reset how sales and marketing operate, reducing inefficiencies and costs.

Originally reported by Martech:
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