Digital Smiles

Chris Golec Launches Channel99: B2B Performance & Marketing Attribution Service

Written by AI Generated | 20 September 2023

Chris Golec, the founder and former CEO of Demandbase, has launched Channel99, a B2B performance and marketing attribution service that uses pixel-technology to provide visibility into the customer journey. Using pixels, Channel99 is able to track the reach, engagement and conversion of marketing investments. It is the first B2B marketing platform to use this technology, as it typically tracks accounts rather than individuals, and can detect when an advertisement is seen by the intended target audience.

This technology has the potential to benefit not only B2B marketers, but also the vendors they rely on. By seeing if content leads to a ‘view-through’ to a website or landing page, Channel99 will be able to attribute the activity back to the ad. It will also be able to rank vendors and channels, show return on marketing spend and cost per pipeline opportunity.

The platform will be available on subscription after an initial free trial period, and the hope is that more efficient marketing investment will be seen to offset the cost of the platform. This is an interesting solution to the puzzle of attribution in marketing, and could benefit the entire B2B marketing ecosystem by highlighting where marketing dollars are well spent.

Originally reported by Martech:
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