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CMOs' Role in AI Adoption & Understanding: Survey Results

CMOs are more likely to be responsible for AI adoption in businesses than other C-suite executives, but less likely to understand it, according to a recent survey by the Marketing AI Institute and AI-driven conversational marketing platform Drift. The survey found that CMOs are most likely to say they have a beginner’s understanding of AI (30%), and least likely to say they have an advanced understanding (10%). CEOs and CMOs are the two roles that are most likely to own AI adoption and integration within marketing organisations. However, the survey revealed a gap between potential and reality, as many marketers are still in the early stages of AI adoption. While 64% of marketers believe AI will be either very or critically important to their success over the next 12 months, only 29% say it is already infused into their daily workflows. The top benefit of AI cited by marketers is reducing the time spent on repetitive tasks (77%). Other benefits include improving targeting and personalization (72%), increasing marketing campaign effectiveness (69%), gaining insights into customer behaviour (67%), automating tasks (66%) and generating new ideas (65%). Nearly all (98%) marketers are already personally using AI in some way, most commonly, they’re experimenting with it (45%). However, this could be due to a lack of understanding, as CMOs are least likely to have high or very high degrees of confidence in evaluating AI technology (33%). The survey suggests that marketers have recognised the potential of AI to improve their work, but need to upskill quickly to make it a reality. To do this, they need to create an AI integration strategy, and become familiar with best practices for using AI tools in content creation.

Originally reported by Martech:
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