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CMOs in the AI Age: Navigating Increasing Responsibilities and Diminishing Influence

As enterprise-wide AI adoption continues to grow, the responsibilities of marketers are increasing, while their control over key technologies is diminishing. This is according to a new Gartner report on what CMOs should focus on in the coming year. With digital initiatives becoming larger and more complex, marketers are being expected to collaborate more cross-functionally, and while they are spending more time doing so, their peers feel that marketing has an inflated view of its importance. As a result, digital ownership has shifted away from marketing, leaving them with less influence.

Gartner suggest that marketers should benchmark their current state of organisational influence and engage with peers to gain feedback on their level of influence and perceived value. They should also scope and pare back their involvement in cross-functional collaboration, track and cultivate trusting relationships with key C-suite collaborators, mature their strategic and critical thinking skills, and enable team members to form more effective peer-level partnerships.

CMOs need to focus on building AI-enabled marketing teams, proving marketing’s value, and limiting involvement in cross-functional efforts to the ones that will have the most impact. It is essential that marketing demonstrate its value and usefulness to the rest of the organisation, as without customers, the organisation can’t succeed.

Originally reported by Martech:
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