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Combining Human Intelligence & AI: Achieving Business-To-Business Success

When responding to questions about AI replacing humans in certain roles, most “experts” claim that AI will replace some jobs but will be a much more valuable tool for augmenting human intelligence and ability. But what if they are wrong? This article explores the risks of over-relying on AI and the importance of combining human intelligence with machine intelligence to ensure success.

The term “Internet of Things” was coined in 1999 by computer scientist Kevin Ashton. While working at Procter & Gamble, Ashton proposed putting radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips on products to track them through a supply chain. This transition began the era of machines monitoring their performance and communicating with each other, with the promise of one day producing self-healing networks.

Over this same period, network engineers who ushered in the transition from analog to digital began retiring. These experienced knowledge workers are often replaced by technicians who understand the monitoring tools but not necessarily how the network works. Similarly, in marketing today, it is easy to find people who know the technologies but who struggle to think strategically.

AI generators are really intriguing and can do some amazing things. But based on what we have seen, the tools are not smart enough to fully deliver on their promise… yet. This raises the question of what happens when the knowledge gap is filled by machines. Will our workers have enough experience and expertise to know if what comes out of the machine is accurate, factitious or even dangerous?

An example of this can be seen in the medical field, where an oncology nurse, Melissa Beebe, knew that an AI tool monitoring her patient was wrong. The alert correlated elevated white blood cell count with septic infection, but didn’t take into account that the patient had leukemia, which can cause similar blood counts. This illustrates the risk associated with over-relying on artificial intelligence.

AI will free us from low-value tasks – which is good. But we need to redistribute that time to develop our people and our teams better. The greatest benefit from these game-changing technologies in the business-to-business environment will be realized when we combine equal amounts of human intelligence with machine intelligence.

In conclusion, when it comes to AI, we need to be aware of the risks of over-relying on it and the importance of combining human intelligence with machine intelligence. This will ensure that we get the maximum benefit from these game-changing technologies in the business-to-business environment.

Originally reported by Martech:
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