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DAM: Essential for an Effective Martech Stack

At the recent Henry Stewart Digital Asset Management (DAM) conference in New York City, it was clear that DAMs remain a key element of today's marketing and creative technology (martech) stack. DAM is the starting point, serving as the backbone for creative operations, and is essential for efficient asset tracking and distribution across all tools. The martech stack is the integrated collection and categorization of tools which help to automate and streamline processes, aggregate and manage data, and reach customers more effectively and efficiently. DAM helps to identify improvement opportunities and facilitates reliable and efficient data sharing between people, processes and technologies. Data standards must be established in the DAM in order to streamline processes and ensure seamless connectivity across departments. Once data and taxonomy have been set, data can be easily accessed and shared by users. DAMs provide the foundation for holistic data understanding and enable orchestration of content across channels. Overall, DAMs are a valuable asset for businesses of all sizes. Not only do they provide a secure and reliable foundation for the martech stack, but they also enable efficient asset discovery and collaboration with customers, ultimately improving the customer experience.

Originally reported by Martech:
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