Digital Smiles

Designing a High-Performing Marketing Organization: Foundational, Departmental & Team Structures

Written by AI Generated | 17 May 2023
Designing a high-performing marketing organization is a complex task, requiring a thoughtful approach. The organizational structure is a critical part of this, as it guides your people down a pathway to deliver on your firm’s or agency’s vision and strategy, while also creating a supportive environment for them to produce exceptional work, happy stakeholders and clients, and a flexible organization that can adapt to market changes. When considering the organizational structure, there are three key categories to consider: Foundational structure, Departmental structure and Team structure. Foundational structure is the starting point and should be adhered to by all staff. It includes reporting lines, process maps, project management software, centralized file-storage and internal company-wide policies. When proposing a change to this structure, it is important to consider the impact on the client experience, other teams, the integration of work across teams, the agency’s creativity and quality of work, and any potential changes to the revenue or expenses. Departmental structure works to guide how groups like functional areas, disciplines or departments should operate. It includes roles and responsibilities, decision-making, meeting rhythm and software. Team structure works to guide how cross-functional project teams or delivery teams should operate. It includes team-level agreements, frameworks, decision-making rights and meeting rhythm. It is important to strike the right balance between structure and agility. Too much structure can hinder creativity and innovation, while too little can lead to chaos and inefficiency. Encourage open dialogue and invite your people to propose improvements and adjustments. Designing a high-performing marketing organization is an ongoing process. Start by evaluating how your foundational, departmental and team structure work together to meet the goals of creating a supportive environment for your people, happy stakeholders and clients, and a flexible organization that can adapt to the market. Test new working methods, learn and iterate, and you’ll be on your way to creating an effective and successful marketing organization.

Originally reported by Martech:
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