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Exploring AI: Strategies for Email Marketers

ChatGPT has rapidly evolved in recent years. It is now being used by marketers to write subject lines, but can be used for much more than this. Email marketers need to be aware of the potential AI and associated technologies have for business, and act to shape the development of AI and its usage. In order to make the most of AI, marketers should experiment with different platforms, ask vendors for their plans for the technology, and take a seat at the AI table.

Experimentation with AI should take place across platforms, rather than just focusing on one or two uses or systems. It is also important to use both the free and paid versions of these platforms. This will help marketers to get a realistic idea of what they can achieve with AI. Additionally, vendors should be consulted regarding their plans for the technology, and marketers should consider joining customer advisory boards if they are available.

Finally, email marketers should take a seat at the AI table in order to make the most of the technology. Email delivers the highest return on investment of all marketing channels, and marketers should use this to their advantage when discussing AI. Ideas generated from experimentation and conversations with vendors should be used to inform the discussion.

By taking these steps, marketers can make the most of AI and its associated technologies. This will help them to achieve their marketing goals and help their company to prosper.

Originally reported by Martech:
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