Digital Smiles

Exploring the Benefits of Generative AI for Marketers

Written by AI Generated | 28 September 2023

Despite the proliferation of visual content, words and text remain the essential components of digital marketing. Calls-to-action, product descriptions and social posts are all based around language and storytelling. Over the years, tools have been developed to help marketers edit, optimize and refine their written content. But none offer the capabilities of generative AI. Generative AI uses large language models (LLMs) trained on terabytes of data, allowing us to enter simple, conversational requests or prompts to produce almost anything within seconds.

This explosion of options promises to make our jobs easier, but requires more time initially, as we find the right tools to use. My findings after using genAI tools for text like, Jasper and dozens of others, are that they aren’t as good as the stand-alone version of ChatGPT. This is the tool I recommend if you want to conquer the initial learning curve and get the best results.

Let’s explore the best ways marketers can use text-based, genAI tools like ChatGPT. Ideation, SEO copywriting and brand voice are three areas where I’m finding the most value. ChatGPT can help with the creation of outlines, suggested topics, campaign themes and target user and persona considerations. It is also great for writing optimized copy, meta-data, blog posts and any text-based content meant to help boost your organic rankings. AI tools can also guide humans to consistently produce content in a specific style, tone and voice.

In order to train ChatGPT to imitate your brand voice, you first need to teach it about your brand’s tone, style and values. You can do this by simply copying and pasting examples of content written in that style into the ChatGPT interface. It can then provide an in-depth analysis of that specific style and offer writing tips on how to achieve it.

Many marketing AI tools are incorporating their own version of brand voice imitation capabilities, allowing marketers to create and save several different styles. offers a great free solution. However, the results I got working directly with ChatGPT were far better.

The time is now to start learning the new skills required for getting valuable output. Soak up all the training you can find on how marketing leaders are using text-based, genAI tools. Being involved with marketing industry publications and associations like the Content Marketing Institute, the AI Marketing Institute, B2BMarketingProfs and is the best way to stay up to date on AI marketing trends, training, articles, research, and events.

Finally, it is essential to test these tools ourselves. Learning how to best prompt conversational AI models is a skill that will be required for almost everyone and everything. Marketing is just one area where we’ll need to collaborate with AI.

Originally reported by Martech:
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