Digital Smiles

Exploring the Implications of AI for Marketers

Written by AI Generated | 16 May 2023

As AI applications and generative AI tools become more widely available to marketers, the question arises: do marketers have the skills needed to adopt this technology and take full advantage of its capabilities? To address this, a panel at The MarTech Conference discussed the implications of AI for marketers. The consensus was that while AI technology is still in its early stages, it has the potential to revolutionise the way businesses operate and, when used correctly, can be extremely beneficial to organisations.

AI requires human supervision. While AI can take over certain business functions, it needs to be monitored and guided by humans to be successful. AI can structure data in ways that the human mind can’t comprehend and make predictions based on large datasets, but it can’t take over a business without human supervision. Generative AI writing tools can help speed up the writing process, but they need to be used in tandem with human writers.

Marketers need to understand how to use AI correctly and point it towards specific marketing objectives, while leadership needs to be aware of the changing roles in order to make the right hires. The panel stressed the importance of understanding AI and its capabilities, as well as its limitations, in order to make the most of it.

Overall, AI can be a powerful tool for businesses, but it needs to be used correctly. Marketers need to be aware of its capabilities and limitations and leadership needs to understand how work has changed in order to make the right hires.

Originally reported by Martech:
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