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F5 and Catch+Release: Partners in Positive Technology Content

At F5, a software vendor specializing in app and API security, trust is key. This is why they have taken a different approach to marketing by launching a brand campaign focused on the positive, instead of fear-mongering and scare tactics. To make this successful, they enlisted the help of Catch+Release, a content provider that offers custom-made solutions for clients. Catch+Release is different from other stock libraries like Shutterstock, Getty Images and Adobe because it allows customers to license content from creators on the internet, instead of having to trawl through existing libraries. It does this by providing customers with a robust pricing calculator and a licensability score, so that they can make an informed decision on the content they purchase. F5's creative team produce high-level content such as events, webinars, ebooks and social media posts, and work with Catch+Release to ensure that their content is emotive and tailored to the target audience. After the launch of the campaign, they saw an 11% increase in brand awareness and a 22% increase in social engagement rate and 30% more click-throughs. These results show that by partnering with Catch+Release, F5 have been able to generate content that shows the positive human impact of technology, whilst still targeting the right audience with the right messages. It is an example of how user-generated content can be a valuable tool for technology-savvy business professionals, when used in the right way.

Originally reported by Martech:
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