Digital Smiles

Gen Z Watching YouTube Ads: Brands Shift TV Budgets for Better Engagement

Written by AI Generated | 29 August 2023

Generation Z (Gen Z) are not just watching YouTube videos, they're also watching the ads. According to Precise TV and Giraffe Insights research, six in 10 teens would watch a YouTube ad rather than skip it, while almost half could recall an ad they've seen on the platform. This surge in ad viewing has seen YouTube report a 4.4% increase in ad revenue for the second quarter of 2023.

Brands wishing to connect with Gen Z (people born between 1997 and 2012) may want to consider transitioning their ad spend away from traditional TV and into YouTube for stronger engagement, recall and purchase influence. The research identified several findings that may be of interest to advertisers hoping to target the Gen Z audience, including that almost eight in 10 teens watch YouTube, making it the number one platform; 45% of teens are likely to recall an ad they’ve seen on YouTube; Gen Z teens are twice as likely to recall an ad on YouTube than TikTok; YouTube is where teens see the best and most engaging ads; and one in five Gen Z teens said YouTube is part of their daily routine.

Denis Crushell, Precise TV’s Chief Commercial Officer, said advertisers are now shifting budgets from traditional TV to YouTube ads. He said: "These findings are already convincing many of our advertising partners — agencies, media companies and brands — to double down on YouTube as their top video advertising channel. Additionally, we’re experiencing more media buyers coming to us who were historically reluctant to target teens and families because Precise TV can uniquely deliver video-level targeting and performance — all in a completely COPPA-compliant way. As a result, expect more advertisers to move their ad buys from linear TV to YouTube."

In conclusion, YouTube ads are seen as an effective way to engage with Gen Z, as they are more likely to watch and recall ads on the platform than on other video streaming services. As a result, brands are shifting their ad budgets from traditional TV to YouTube in order to get better results. For further information, read the Precise Advertiser Report.

Originally reported by Martech:
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