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Google Analytics 4 Poll Results: Readiness, Confidence & Frustration

In just 48 hours, we received around 400 responses to our poll question about Google Analytics 4. With the standard version of Universal Analytics set to sunset on July 1, we asked our audience what level of readiness they (and/or their team) were at in switching to GA4 from Universal Analytics. Despite plenty of frustration, almost a quarter of respondents said they had fully implemented and were already using GA4, with just over half saying they had implemented it but were still learning how to use it. Almost 16% had it set up but had not started using it. This looks like a vote of confidence in Google’s analytics strategy, despite there being plenty of alternatives to GA4.

Only 2.6% of respondents said they had no plans to use GA4 and 4.6% had not set it up yet. There were mixed comments from poll respondents, with some saying the UI was terrible and the product was rushed to market. It remains to be seen whether people can make GA4 work for them or if frustrations with it make the alternatives look more attractive.

Originally reported by Martech:
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