Digital Smiles

IAB Tech Lab Releases Finalized First Version of DCR Guidance and Standards

Written by AI Generated | 12 July 2023

IAB Tech Lab has released a finalized first version of guidance and standards for data clean rooms (DCRs). The technology is used by marketers to securely enhance first-party data and help activate this data in campaigns. The organization first released both Open Private Join & Activation (OPJA) specifications and Data Clean Rooms Guidance for public comments in February. These documents came from IAB Tech Lab’s Rearc Addressability Working Group, with the goal of providing a common reference point for marketers to have confidence in the security of their data.

The finalized first version of OPJA provides specifications with three main security and privacy goals in mind. First, the end user (customer) has all personally identifiable information (PII) protected through encryption tools throughout the DCR transaction. All parties without user-shared PII will not have access to it. Additionally, the privacy of the end user is maintained throughout so that participants in the DCR will not know the identity of the end user. Finally, when building audiences from these contributing data sets, each participant will be kept from knowing which individuals in their sets are members of the combined audience.

The updated guidance clarifies DCR definitions and the differences between DCRs and other data collaboration solutions, including improved descriptions of cryptographic techniques used by DCRs, and more information about operational costs and matching techniques. To help DCR users to comply with new data privacy laws, the guidance includes security and trust controls for data governance.

One of the common uses for DCRs is in digital campaigns. OPJA recommends two types of match keys used in the DCR for email and phone number data, each making sure that PII isn’t disclosed to other parties. Additionally, another specification covers how marketers can activate the matched audience in a programmatic environment.Further specifications beyond activation — covering measure and attribution — are slated to roll out later this year.

Competition is building in the DCR space, which could lower some costs associated with DCRs. The IAB Tech Lab guidance lists the potential costs to a DCR, including license or usage fees, participation costs for participants and data contributors, data storage, data preparation, data connection, costs per query, talent and skills costs for maintaining privacy technologies, and operating expenses (OPEX).

Data clean rooms are a significant technology helping organizations navigate growing privacy regulations, and the updated IAB Tech Lab guidance and standards provides a common reference point to ensure security and privacy of data, as well as providing clarity on the differences between DCRs and other data collaboration solutions. With competition in the space increasing, costs could go down, making DCRs more accessible for smaller organizations.

Originally reported by Martech:
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