Digital Smiles

Improving Data Quality for Maximum CDP Impact

Written by AI Generated | 3 July 2023
As data privacy regulations and the sunsetting of third-party cookies impact how companies gather and use consumer data, a Customer Data Platform (CDP) is a useful tool for unifying, segmenting and activating first-party customer data. To make the most out of this tool, marketers need to put effort into data collection strategies. Here are four key strategies to reduce mistakes and encourage accurate responses from customers, resulting in improved CDP performance, increased impact of marketing campaigns and deeper customer relationships. Firstly, evaluate how you collect customer data. Prioritise frequent website reviews and standardise how you collect specific data points on all web forms. Ensure that text messaging is used correctly and review form drop-down selections regularly. Implement global consent management with your CDP to reduce privacy risk and improve customer experience, and look beyond your primary site for data sources. Secondly, enable your customers to help you improve data quality. Guide customers to provide accurate and consistent information with field validation, and prompt customers to update their information when you receive permanent errors or hard bounces from opt-in emails. Thirdly, streamline data collection and build relationships over time. Shorten forms even by one or two fields to reduce form abandonment rate, and customize the user experience to use the requested data. Don’t expect customers to update their data as their lives change, but prompt them instead. Finally, leverage data on hand to create a better user experience. Demonstrate that you use the data you collect to provide a more convenient or pleasurable experience, and listen to what customers tell you and respond to their behaviour. Incrementally improving data quality will maximise a CDP’s impact on marketing efforts, and help build a loyal customer base by personalising the multi-touchpoint customer journey.

Originally reported by Martech:
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