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InMobi Launches Addressability Gradient for Privacy-Conscious Marketers

InMobi has launched InMobi Addressability Gradient, a new identity resolution tool to help marketers transition to an era without third-party cookies and with more privacy restrictions. The platform promises to maximize content personalization while upholding data privacy and user consent. It offers various options to adjust to changing consumer behaviours, from precise ID-based targeting to privacy-conscious ID-less approaches.

The Gradient claims to use a variety of identifiers like mobile advertising identifiers (MAIDs), and to have interoperability with people-based identifiers such as LiveRamp’s RampID. It can also be used in conjunction with InMobi's ID Graph, to provide precise targeting.

This is a welcome addition to the suite of tools available to marketers who are dealing with consumer identity challenges. As the landscape of ad tech continues to evolve, having a greater variety of approaches to this problem makes it more likely that marketers can find one that fits their needs best.

Originally reported by Martech:
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