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Integrating DAM with Other Systems to Protect Brand Messaging

Having a digital asset management system (DAM) is essential for any business. It's the single source of truth for all assets, allowing you to keep control of your brand's messaging and ensure it's consistent across all channels. However, when you download assets from your DAM and manually upload them into different systems, you run the risk of losing metadata, duplicating effort and creating inconsistencies. To protect your brand's messaging and remain efficient, it's important to have your DAM integrated with other tools and systems.

Aligning the metadata across all your integrated systems is essential for data governance and ensuring a smooth connection. This means making sure the field names and any controlled vocabularies are the same across all systems. The more visibility you have into when, where and how an asset is being used, the more effective you can be in crafting your digital strategy.

Integrating your DAM with other systems will help you manage and control your brand's messaging, improve efficiency, reduce risk and promote the reuse of existing content. As well as giving your team more time to spend on valuable, creative work.

Originally reported by Martech:
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