Digital Smiles

Interactive Ads on Samsung Smart TVs: Engaging Consumers in Real-Time

Written by AI Generated | 25 September 2023
Samsung Ads, a subsidiary of Samsung Electronics, has announced the launch of new interactive ad types for smart TV advertisers through a partnership with CTV ad experience platform BrightLine. This is an exciting development for brands as the new dynamic ad units provide the opportunity to engage consumers in real-time dialog and exchange on Samsung Smart TVs. The range of ad units available includes trivia questions, product carousels, polls, gamified experiences, and dynamic or addressable creative such as store and dealer locators. These ad units plug into Samsung’s user interface and smart TV operating system, and are designed to complement the existing inventory of in-stream, native and cross-platform ads. Early adopters of the new ad units include CPG, Automotive and Entertainment brands. This is a significant shift from traditional TV ads which are usually a passive experience for viewers. Smart TV operating systems are encouraging users to do more on the big screen, such as making purchases and playing games, and the resulting user data in this ecosystem drives better personalization. These interactive ad units will make the experience more engaging for consumers and are an important part of the CTV industry’s continued growth. For businesses wanting to get the most out of CTV advertising, here are four tips to consider: -Identify the right audience: Use data-driven insights to reach the desired audience with the most appropriate creative. -Test and optimise: Take the time to test and refine creative for maximum impact. -Go beyond frequency: As CTV ads are now interactive, consider how you can use this to reach more viewers and maintain engagement. -Measure and report: Analyse the data to measure your successes and optimise future campaigns. Samsung Ads’ new interactive ad types offer a unique opportunity to engage with consumers in real-time, and could be a game-changer for businesses wanting to make the most of the CTV space.

Originally reported by Martech:
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