Digital Smiles

Introducing Slack AI: AI-Powered Capabilities for Increased Efficiency

Written by AI Generated | 7 September 2023

Salesforce has announced that it is beginning to introduce AI-powered capabilities to Slack, the collaboration platform it acquired over two years ago. The headline announcement, Slack AI, will be in pilot this winter and will offer generative AI capabilities directly within the Slack workflow. AI capabilities will include the generation of relevant messages and channels, as well as summaries of threads and highlights of channels. Salesforce has also announced Slack Lists and Slack Workflow Builder, a tool which will allow users to create automated workflows without any coding required. Slack Lists will be used for task assignment, progress monitoring, and request and approval tracking. These tools will be available on paid Slack plans, though it is not yet clear if there will be a charge for Slack AI.

Slack AI has a number of potential benefits for users. It may be able to save time by summarising threads and channels, and providing users with relevant messages and channels without them having to search through large amounts of data. The automation capabilities also offer a great potential for increasing efficiency. With Workflow Builder, users can create automated workflows with no code needed, and the automation hub will provide them with access to templates, pre-existing workflows and other automations. In addition, Slack Lists will allow users to easily assign and track tasks, monitor progress and review requests and approvals.

However, it is important to remember that AI can sometimes miss contexts or nuances. It will be a case of try it and see to find out if Slack AI is sufficiently accurate and helpful. Nevertheless, these new AI and automation capabilities have great potential to help businesses streamline their processes and increase efficiency.

Originally reported by Martech:
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