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Leading Agile Marketing Transformation: More Than Just Scaling Teams

Many think that scaling agile means taking it from one team to many, but it's more than that. Agile at scale is a culture transformation, and the Agile Marketing Navigator framework helps drive that change. Cycle Time, Waste Removal, and Practice Leads are all important components of the framework that help take agile marketing to the next level. Waste removal involves overhauling old ways of working, and it often requires measuring the problem and its impact on overall marketing delivery. It's best to do this collaboratively, getting input from representatives of several teams and levels in the company. This allows you to quantify the baseline for the process and how long it's taking today. Once the average delivery time is established, the group can then discuss what would be a more reasonable timeframe and look to where they can make changes to reduce the number of days. Leaders need to step up and be willing to radically empower the change from old ways of working, allowing mistakes to happen but trusting that people will learn from them and the overall change will outweigh the risk. As teams mature and break away from traditionally built departments, Communities of Practice are important for sharing skills, tools and knowledge. The Practice Lead typically takes on the role of a department manager, but their role alters with agile marketing as they are no longer assigning or managing work. Agile marketing is not just a check-the-box process or framework. It takes great leaders that are invested in true transformation to make it a success.

Originally reported by Martech:
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