Digital Smiles

Marketing Technologists: Growth and Insights from MarTech's 2023 Salary and Career Survey

Written by AI Generated | 29 March 2023
Marketing technologists are establishing themselves as a profession separate from the marketers they support, according to the findings of MarTech's 2023 Salary and Career Survey. Of those surveyed, an impressive 74% reported being at least somewhat satisfied with their jobs. The survey, conducted jointly by MarTech and, was taken by 419 marketers. It revealed that respondents from North America earned an average salary of $116,000, whilst those from Western Europe earned an average of $143,000. Gender inequality was still present, but showed improvement from the previous year's 30% wage gap. The survey also uncovered that marketing technologists are nearly three times more likely to have an advanced degree than the general population (37% versus 13%), though it made no difference to their salaries. It did, however, show that those at larger companies with 500 or more employees earned an average salary of $152,000, in comparison to those at companies with fewer employees earning an average of $120,000. Additionally, the most pronounced salary increase was seen after seven years of employment. Overall, the survey demonstrates the growth of marketing technologists as a profession, and provides useful insights into the industry. Those interested in accessing the survey can do so without registration, by downloading it from the MarTech website.

Originally reported by Martech:
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