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Maximizing Your Website: Essential Elements for 2021

Having a website is essential for any business, especially in the B2B realm. In 2021, a grad student in Buenos Aires astounded me by saying they no longer looked at company websites. But, they can be a great owned media channel with infinite flexibility and global reach. To get the most out of your website, start with the end in mind. Ask yourself what you want to achieve and what your customers and prospects are looking for. Some common objectives are to be found by qualified prospects, demonstrate expertise and trustworthiness, explain products and services, motivate interaction, capture visitor data, manage partner relationships, provide customer service, generate and close leads. Generally, customers are looking for content relevant to their immediate need, evidence of experience in their industry, easy navigation, pricing details, competitive information and proof, like testimonials and case studies. To ensure your website meets customer needs, there are 7 essential elements: a clear message on the home page, fast loading, educational content, mobile optimization, interactivity, ecommerce and community. The homepage should explain what you do and the benefits, and contact information should be easily accessible. Include a chatbot to answer questions and capture data, and consider adding an offer, a call to action and a landing page with a form. Install IP address identification software to learn the domain name of business visitors to your site. When it comes to maintenance, regularly scheduled attention is essential. Calendar and assign responsibility to specific people, review copy for needed updates or strategic changes, fix broken links, survey constituents and monitor site traffic patterns. Investment in websites is on the rise this year, so let's get going on this!

Originally reported by Martech:
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