Digital Smiles

Meta Rolls Out Generative AI to Advertisers: Benefits for Small Businesses

Written by AI Generated | 6 October 2023

This week, Meta announced it is beginning the rollout of generative AI capabilities in Ads Manager. These capabilities are Background generation, Image expansion, and Text variations, which should be globally available by next year. Meta has been testing the features in an AI Sandbox, and feedback from advertisers includes saving “five or more hours a week”. Meta also reiterated the Connect conference announcement that businesses will soon be able to use AI to generate conversational responses to customers on Messenger and WhatsApp.

Gartner VP distinguished analyst Andrew Frank commented on the use of generative AI in the Facebook and Instagram ad workflow, stating that it is likely to appeal to the smaller businesses that constitute the bedrock of Meta’s advertising business. Frank also discussed how the AI features may affect the work of agencies, noting that while it does add complexity, it also creates more opportunities for them. Lastly, Frank touched on Meta’s approach to generative AI being different from main competitors like Amazon and Google, with the goal of commoditizing as much of the genAI value chain as possible.

The use of generative AI in the ad workflow has the potential to speed up and ease creative workflows for small teams, especially at those smaller businesses that rely heavily on Meta channels to reach their audiences.

Originally reported by Martech:
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