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MOps Teams Transform Annual Marketing Plans

Many enterprises are now doing annual planning for 2024. For marketing departments, it can be a challenging time. How can a plan be created that is firm enough to serve as the foundation for an annual budget, yet flexible enough to adapt to unexpected market changes? In a world where many marketing departments merely reuse last year’s plan, Marketing Operations (MOps) teams can bring a fresh perspective. Here are five ways your MOps team can help transform your annual marketing plan:

  1. Build a consistent planning template: MOps professionals are experts in structure and process. They can create a consistent template for annual planning, outlining the necessary steps from setting business objectives to shaping marketing tactics. This template will enable marketing to communicate with team members both inside and outside of the department.
  2. Streamline information flow: MOps teams are well-equipped with data management and analysis skills. They can determine what information is crucial for the planning process, where to source it and how to interpret it. This ensures that marketing leaders have clear, actionable insights at their fingertips.
  3. Learn from the past: Translate data into strategy: Using the data repository or dashboard, MOps teams can lead review sessions with cross-functional teams to analyze the performance of last year’s campaigns and tactics. Brainstorming new ideas and discussing ways to integrate them into the upcoming marketing plan is key.
  4. Prioritize the annual plan: MOps teams, with their dual skill set of understanding both technology and marketing metrics, can assess the potential ROI of various strategies, weigh them against the company’s core objectives and factor in the available resources to create a clear hierarchy of what marketing initiatives should take precedence.
  5. Establish the process for ongoing adjustments throughout the year: MOps teams can introduce the concept of agile marketing to the broader marketing division. This involves breaking down large projects into smaller tasks, regular check-ins and continuous feedback loops.

Using insights from MOps teams, marketing can make a flexible plan that adapts quickly to market changes while staying focused on its goals. Connecting data with creative ideas turns the annual plan into a dynamic strategy. MOps teams that innovate and challenge norms have the ability to improve the planning process and uplift the entire organisation.

Originally reported by Martech:
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